Other Uses

There’s more to a threader than meets the eye . . . We keep finding new uses for each of our threaders!

Using the All-Purpose or
Needlework Threader to
hide serger thread tails

To finish serger thread tails, sewing experts use the All-Purpose or Needlework Threader to thread the tails through the eye of a tapestry needle. Then, to hide the tails, slide the needle between the stitching and fabric or between the two layers of fabric in the seam allowance area.

Using the All-Purpose Threader to thread a multi-hole cording foot

The All-Purpose Threader simplifies the task of inserting decorative thread strands through the multiple holes in a specialty cording foot.

  • From the underside of the foot, insert the wire loop through each hole, one at a time. Place the selected thread through the wire loop and gently pull the strand through the hole in the foot. Repeat for as many holes as needed.

Machine cording/braiding feet are another place the All-Purpose Threader works with aplomb when using small- to medium-size cords.

  • From the underside of the foot, insert the thread wire through the cord opening. Place the selected strand through the wire loop and gently pull the strand through the hole in the foot.

Using the UltraFine or All-Purpose Threaders to repair fabric snags

  • From the fabric wrong side, insert the wire loop through the fabric at the exact snag location.
  • From the fabric right side, insert the snag through the wire loop.
  • Pull the wire loop back through to the fabric wrong side.

And…hobbyists have told us of all kinds of alternative uses!

  • Knitters and crocheters praise the Needlework Threader for threading Tapestry needles used to sew finished pieces together and weave in yarn ends.
  • Smockers use the All-Purpose Threader for threading their pleater needles.
  • Fiber artists love the threader’s fine wires for pulling fleece, yarns and threads through narrow holes in beads.
  • Quilters use the Needlework Threader to insert yarn or embroidery floss into a Yarn Darner for tying quilts.
  • Model ship builders love the UltraFine Threader for rigging deadeyes and blocks, or anywhere a line needs to be inserted into a small opening.
  • Fly fishermen swear by the UltraFine Threader for threading a lightweight, fine tippet through the eye of a tiny fly.